Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Fly RC Staff

Fan Fold Foam Stand- Off Scale P-38

Lockheed P-38J20 serial number 4423296 was rolled out of the factory in May 1944. This Lightning was the 5,000th example produced and it was a far cry from expectations of mere hundreds when the prototype was built in 1938-39. This latest P38 was painted a vermillion red and YIPPEE was applied under the wings and along the nose.

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Warbirds Over the Rockies

Arguably the most picturesque Warbird Rally in the country, Warbirds Over The Rockies (WOTR) 2016 has been another epic adventure. Set in Arvada, Colorado, the event has the beautiful backdrop of the Flatiron rock formations with Boulder and the Rocky Mountains just beyond them. I always make some time to drive around this incredible part of our country while I am there and recommend you do the same if you visit the event.

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Watts Over Owatonna

I had been thinking of attending WATTS for a few years and everything lined up nicely this year so off to Minnesota I went. I only fly electric aircraft, so this was an event that was perfect for me. It runs from Thursday to Saturday, with open flying on the Sunday if you’re still there.

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E-Flite Commander mPd

      A new sport flyer from E-Flite the Commander mPd combines the talents of two aviation designers one from the RC world and the other from full scale aircraft design. The mix of the two bring a …

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Choosing and Setting up your first 3D Plane

Skies are blue, winds are low so let's jump right in and look at some important characteristics of an appropriate, first 3D aerobatic plane

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Get Organized with PVC

As our shops and hangars fill up with projects and completed air- frames we often find ourselves tripping over our planes. You might even find yourself doing more repairs from hangar rash rather than dumb thumbs.

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Starting your 3D Aerobatic Journey on the right foot

I remember with great clarity the first time I saw a competent 3D pilot in action, performing wild tumbles and inverted harriers and hovering within inches of the ground. My jaw hit the floor and my concept of this hobby changed forever.

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RAF Museum Tour

This past April I had the opportunity to visit London for the first time with my wife. We especially enjoy history and England is loaded with many lifetimes’ worth of historical stuff. There were quite a few things I wanted to see, but historic fighter planes were on the top of my list.

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Build a Custom Battery Tray

I was asked by a fellow RC’er to assemble his 3W Extra 330. Being an accomplished modeler with enough experience that I actually feel old when I think of it ... I was more than happy to oblige. This particular 3W is a fiberglass fuselage with foam core wings and tail. The plane had a high level of completion, was covered, painted, canopy and cowl installed.

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Re-Hinge your Foamie

So, we’ve all crashed, right? I mean, at some point or another, you’re going to need a few skills under your belt for refurbing your foam model to get it back into the air as quickly as possible. On the contrary, however, my Twisted Hobbys Crack Turbo Beaver suffered an even worse mishap. It was beaten up pretty bad

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Shop Force RC

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Remove labels from metal bars

Building model aircraft often involves the use of metal bars and tubes of various sizes and shapes. A common use of metal bars that comes to mind is in making landing gear struts, which are often constructed of 1/8-inch thick aluminum bar stock.

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Which Way To Go Gas Or Glow?

With seemingly hordes of electric powered model aircraft filling the skies there are many who feel an airplane is only truly an airplane if it is powered by an internal combustion (IC) engine. Indeed the sound of a well-tuned four stroke echoing through the skies on a clear fall day has an allure all its own.

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