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Monthly Archives: March 2011

VSP (Very Short Plane)

Download a tiled plan for Dereck Woodward's VSP as featured in the March issue of Fly RC magazine. The plan consists of 30 8.5x11-inch letter size pages designed to be taped together to form a single sheet plan measuring approximately 40x60 inches. A full size printed plan will also be available soon. Watch this page for additional details. Questions should be addressed to

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Saito FG-36 Engine

Saito has a worldwide reputation for producing light, powerful, totally reliable 4-stroke engines ranging from a small .30 to a large 2.20 single (see November 2005 Fly RC review) as well as several multi-cylinder engines. The FG-36 reviewed here is essentially the FA-220A glow engine converted for gasoline. It is more economical to run, and the integrated spark ignition makes it docile and very userfriendly. The FG-36 incorporates Saito’s traditional one-piece head and cylinder and other family characteristics with a few innovative modifications required to run a gasoline and oil mix.

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Making Custom Servo Extensions

Setting up a new model involves many unique steps, each one with variations based on the individual project. One of the most common variations is when installing the servos. Some models are designed so no extension leads are necessary, while others may need several leads of different lengths. Your project may be delayed if your local hobby shop doesn’t have the right lengths in stock, and using leads that are longer than necessary adds unwanted clutter and weight to your model. Fortunately, there is another option: you can make your own custom extensions.

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Mounting A Cowl With Blind Fasteners

Like many modelers, I am always on the lookout for opportunities to add a little personal touch to help make a new project my own. Even with the latest ARF, there is usually a chance to finesse a little something here or there to satisfy this itch and exercise a little craftsmanship at the workbench. One of my favorite places to enhance a project is when mounting the cowl.

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Make Your Own Diesel Conversion Head

Most modellers have heard of or seen magazine ads for diesel conversion heads for our two-stroke glow engines. Although running model diesel engines hasn’t been extremely popular in North America, model diesel aircraft engines have been commonplace in the rest of the world, including Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand and many European countries. Many model engine companies do not produce dedicated diesel engines, so it is popular to buy a conversion head which replaces the fixed compression glow head.

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Flying The Sharkstooth

One of the hardest aerobatic maneuvers to fly is the straight line. I’m guessing you think I must be kidding, so I’ll ask that you go out and give it a try. Fly a perfectly straight line with no variations in altitude or heading from one end of the field to the other. Not so easy is it? Now fly that perfect line straight upwards while correcting for wind, and then throw a snap roll exactly in the middle of the line.

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Workbench Risers

Here’s a quick little project that will go a long way toward keeping your latest aircraft looking good, whether you are finishing up the latest ARF or swapping a servo in a model you have built from a kit or plans.

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FLY RC BONUS: The Wings Maker Panther Videos

Video courtesy of The Wings Maker and hosted by YouTube. Fly RC claims no copyright.

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FLY RC BONUS: Graupner Elektro Trainer S Video

Video courtesy of YouTube. Fly RC claims not copyright.

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FLY RC BONUS: ParkZone Extra 300 BNF Videos

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FLY RC BONUS: Nitro Planes B-25 Video

Video courtesy of Nitro Planes distributed from YouTube. Fly RC claims no copyright.

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FLY RC BONUS: Tower Hobbies P-51 Video

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FLY RC BONUS: KIEF Photo Gallery

Picture Gallery Maker by v4.7

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