Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Bonus Content

Great Planes Christen Eagle – Video and Wallpaper

From Fly RC Magazine: We always seem to “love” our newest toy, though after a while, they tend to become just another aircraft in the fleet. This Christian Eagle is different.  Great Planes Christen Eagle (2) 1280X1024 | …

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Warbirds Over Delaware: Video and Wallpaper

From Fly RC Magazine: There is nothing like a squadron of fire breathing warbirds streaking across the sky to get the blood pumping for most airplane fanatics and for RC enthusiasts Carl Hauger’s Warbirds over Delaware combines that …

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RC Logger: Inflight Data Telemetry and Video system

From Fly RC Magazine: The heart of the RC Logger system is the RC Logger LC which records data from up to eight external sensor modules simultaneously.   The Fly RC Team reviewed The RC Logger: Inflight Data …

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The Sharper Image RC Cessna 182

From Fly RC Magazine: Unlike many “toys” that you see in stores, this is a real 4-channel RC aircraft that is easy to repair with full parts availability in the event of a mishap. This is truly a …

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Joe Nall 2011 Photo Gallery

Joe Nall 2011 Photo Gallery

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Download the Waco Glider Plans

Bonus Content from the November 2011 Issue of Fly RC Magazine

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Watch the video of the Great Planes Widgeon

From Fly RC Magazine: Perhaps the best-known Widgeon was a license-built French variant officially known as a SCAN-30. Constructed in 1967, N4453 sports a pair of Lycoming R-680 radial engines and was the magic carpet that carried Mr. …

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ESM F8F Bearcat from Holly’s Hobbies Video


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Take our Hobby Glue Survey!

Nicknamed the “Sweetheart of Okinawa” by the U.S. Marines and “Whistling Death” by the Japanese, the Corsair performed effectively in two years- the Pacific conflict of World War 2 and the Korean engagement of the early 1950’s. The …

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NASA Photo Gallery

  Picture Gallery Maker by v4.7  

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The Wingsmaker Sunrise Photo Gallery


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