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Monthly Archives: September 2011

Great Planes Waco YMF-5D ARF .91

For pilots and dreamers around the world, nothing speaks to the glamour of flying like a classic open cockpit biplane from Aviation's Golden Age. And when it comes to classic open cockpit biplanes, those known by "Waco" sit proudly at the front of the line. The choice of most any pilot who could figure a way into the cockpit back in the 1930's, surviving Waco aircraft are still highly sought after and command a premium price whenever they come up for sale. So desirable are the originals, a handful of enthusiasts founded Waco Classic Aircraft and reintroduced the Waco YMF-5 in the mid 1980s as a new production aircraft based on the original 1935 FAA Type Certificate. It is their latest edition, the YMF-5D that Great Planes has faithfully replicated.

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Building Round Engine Cowls

Airplanes with round engines have a unique look that appeals to many modelers and aviation enthusiasts. From the early fighters of WWI through Golden Age classics to modern aerobatic aircraft such as the Sukhoi, they have that special attraction. As almost any veteran pilot will tell you, fullsize airplanes have round engines.

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E-Flite Ultra Micro Extreme Beast Video

From Fly RC magazine: Designed by aerobatic world champion Quique Somenzini, the Ultra Micro eXtreme (UMX) Beast is a thrilling small-scale recreation of one of the most awe inspiring airplanes on the airshow circuit today. And, like the …

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Great Planes FW-190 Video

From Fly RC magazine: The Hangar 9 Sundowner 36 ARF is 90-percent prebuilt and features built-up balsa and lite ply construction with fiberglass cowl and wheel pants. It has a two-piece plug-in wing and easily removable top hatch …

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SebArt 30E – Wallpaper

  From Fly RC magazine: There are very few RC aerobatic designs that are new to me, so it was intriguing to be able to experience the SebArt for the first time. I hadn’t done that in a …

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Hangar 9 Sundowner 36 ARF: Video and Wallpaper

H9 Sundowner   1280X1024 | 1024×768 | 800X600        The Fly RC Team reviewed The Hangar 9 Sundowner 36 ARF for our December 2011 Issue. For the full review, including how the Sundowner performed in our …

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Great Planes Christen Eagle – Video and Wallpaper

From Fly RC Magazine: We always seem to “love” our newest toy, though after a while, they tend to become just another aircraft in the fleet. This Christian Eagle is different.  Great Planes Christen Eagle (2) 1280X1024 | …

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Warbirds Over Delaware: Video and Wallpaper

From Fly RC Magazine: There is nothing like a squadron of fire breathing warbirds streaking across the sky to get the blood pumping for most airplane fanatics and for RC enthusiasts Carl Hauger’s Warbirds over Delaware combines that …

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RC Logger: Inflight Data Telemetry and Video system

From Fly RC Magazine: The heart of the RC Logger system is the RC Logger LC which records data from up to eight external sensor modules simultaneously.   The Fly RC Team reviewed The RC Logger: Inflight Data …

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