Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Home » Wing-Tips » Free Small Fan For A Variety Of RC Uses

Free Small Fan For A Variety Of RC Uses

Recently I salvaged an internal PC fan from a computer destined for the scrap heap. I now power it using a 3S 11.1v Lipo battery. I use Deans connectors on my batteries and so I soldered one to the fan. I use it mostly to move soldering smoke out from under my nose (some solder is lead based) and away from a work piece for better vision. It can also be used to accelerate the drying of adhesives on joints or for general cooling. For example, battery chargers without fans. The fan moves a surprising amount of air for its size and draws very little amps/power. It is small, quiet and very convenient/portable for any application in the shop or at the field.

Submitted by Jeff Rompala, Meridian, ID

Illustrations by David Baker davidb@flyrc.com